首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣交易者在大盤 Memecoin 上獲得 735,800% 的利潤,剛剛創下歷史新高:鏈上數據

Crypto Trader Books 735,800% Profit on Large-Cap Memecoin That’s Just Hit New All-Time High: On-Chain Data

加密貨幣交易者在大盤 Memecoin 上獲得 735,800% 的利潤,剛剛創下歷史新高:鏈上數據

發布: 2024/05/23 22:11 閱讀: 823



加密貨幣交易者在大盤 Memecoin 上獲得 735,800% 的利潤,剛剛創下歷史新高:鏈上數據

An Early Buyer of a Top-30 Memecoin Turns a Few Hundred Dollars into Millions

前 30 名 Memecoin 的早期買家將幾百美元變成了數百萬美元

An early buyer of a top-30 memecoin by market capitalization has turned a few hundred dollars into millions within a period of a little over a year.

市值排名前 30 的 memecoin 的早期買家在一年多一點的時間內將幾百美元變成了數百萬美元。

According to blockchain tracker Lookonchain, the trader acquired billions of the Pepe (PEPE) memecoin days after its public launch.

據區塊鏈追蹤器 Lookonchain 稱,該交易員在 Pepe (PEPE) memecoin 公開發布幾天后就購買了數十億個。

The trader then sold 42 billion Pepe tokens on July 7th of 2023, 100 billion Pepe tokens on May 4th, and the remainder on May 22nd, netting him approximately 735,831% in profits.

隨後,該交易員於2023 年7 月7 日出售了420 億個Pepe 代幣,5 月4 日出售了1000 億個Pepe 代幣,5 月22 日出售了剩餘的部分,獲得了約735,831% 的利潤。

“An early buyer of PEPE deposited all 182.9 billion PEPE ($2.53 million) into Binance six hours ago. This guy spent 0.22 Ethereum ($462) to buy 324.9 billion PEPE on April 15th, 2023, and sold it all for $3.4 million. He was lucky enough to turn $462 into $3.4 million, a gain of 7,368x!”

「PEPE 的早期買家在六小時前將全部 1,829 億個 PEPE(253 萬美元)存入幣安。這傢伙在 2023 年 4 月 15 日花了 0.22 個以太坊(462 美元)購買了 3249 億個 PEPE,並以 340 萬美元的價格全部出售。他很幸運,將 462 美元變成了 340 萬美元,收益達 7,368 倍!

PEPE is trading at $0.0000128 at the time of writing, up by around 97% over the past 30 days.

截至撰寫本文時,PEPE 的交易價格為 0.0000128 美元,在過去 30 天內上漲了約 97%。

The blockchain tracker also says that another trader who is still holding trillions of Pepe acquired between April 14th to April 23rd of 2023 is now sitting on a profit of over 95,000,000%.

該區塊鏈追蹤器還表示,另一位交易員仍持有 2023 年 4 月 14 日至 4 月 23 日期間購買的數萬億 Pepe,目前利潤超過 95,000,000%。

“This diamond [hands] trader turned $83 into $79.4 million by buying and holding PEPE, a gain of 958,580x! Three wallets (belonging to the same person) spent only 0.041 Ethereum ($83) to buy 6.44 trillion PEPE ($79.4 million), and have never sold any PEPE to date.”

「這位鑽石[手]交易員透過購買並持有 PEPE,將 83 美元變成了 7,940 萬美元,收益達 958,580 倍!三個錢包(屬於同一個人)僅花費了 0.041 以太坊(83 美元)購買了 6.44 萬億個 PEPE(7940 萬美元),並且迄今為止從未出售過任何 PEPE。

Lookonchain further says that crypto investment firm BlockTower Capital booked a profit of over 20% after selling a stash of Pepe on the institutional trading platform Cumberland.

Lookonchain 進一步表示,加密貨幣投資公司 BlockTower Capital 在機構交易平台 Cumberland 上出售一批 Pepe 後,獲得了超過 20% 的利潤。

“BlockTower Capital transferred 202 billion PEPE ($2.8 million) to Cumberland for sale two hours ago after the PEPE price broke through $0.000014. BlockTower Capital bought the 202 billion PEPE ($2.22 million) via Cumberland six days ago. Making $578,000 in six days, with a return on investment of 26%.”

「兩小時前,PEPE 價格突破 0.000014 美元後,BlockTower Capital 將 2,020 億個 PEPE(280 萬美元)轉移到坎伯蘭出售。六天前,BlockTower Capital 透過 Cumberland 購買了 2,020 億美元的 PEPE(222 萬美元)。六天內賺了 578,000 美元,投資回報率為 26%。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/crypto-trader-books-735-800-profit-on-large-cap-memecoin-that-s-just-hit-new-all-time-high-on-chain-data-tbt89396.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/crypto-trader-books-735-800-profit-on-large-cap-memecoin-that-s-just-hit-new-all-time-high-on-chain -數據-tbt89396.html


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