首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣反映 2017 年多頭市場,拋物線上漲最值得購買的 5 種代幣

Top 5 Coins To Buy for Parabolic Rally As Bitcoin Mirrors 2017 Bull Market

比特幣反映 2017 年多頭市場,拋物線上漲最值得購買的 5 種代幣

發布: 2024/05/23 22:40 閱讀: 802

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


比特幣反映 2017 年多頭市場,拋物線上漲最值得購買的 5 種代幣

Cryptocurrency Market Poised for Explosive Growth in 2024

加密貨幣市場預計在 2024 年爆發式成長

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing a recovery, indicating that the 2024 bull cycle is far from over. This sentiment is reinforced by the Bitcoin chart's similarity to the 2017 bull market. PlanB, in his recent analysis, suggests that Bitcoin is only four months into this bull cycle.

加密貨幣市場正在經歷復甦,顯示2024年的牛市週期還遠遠沒有結束。比特幣圖表與 2017 年牛市的相似性強化了這種情緒。 PlanB 在最近的分析中表明,比特幣進入本次牛市週期僅四個月。

Bitcoin Mirrors 2017 Rally, Market Poised for Explosive Growth

比特幣反映 2017 年反彈,市場可望爆發式成長

In his latest analysis, PlanB observes that Bitcoin is currently exhibiting "2017 vibes." This was a significant year, with Bitcoin's price rising from $1,200 (at its fourth bullish month) to over $20,000 by year-end.

PlanB 在最新分析中指出,比特幣目前正在展現出「2017 年氛圍」。這是重要的一年,比特幣的價格從 1,200 美元(第四個牛市月份)上漲到年底的 20,000 美元以上。

This suggests a repeat of the 2017 bull market, leading to expectations of a significant increase in the crypto market's value. Market analysts predict that the top 5 cryptocurrencies likely to outperform the market are KangaMoon, Stacks, Ethereum, Solana, and Dogecoin.

這表明 2017 年的多頭市場將重演,從而引發人們對加密貨幣市場價值大幅上漲的預期。市場分析師預測,可能跑贏市場的前 5 種加密貨幣是 KangaMoon、Stacks、Ethereum、Solana 和 Dogecoin。

Top 5 Coins Poised for Parabolic Price Rise in 2024

2024 年價格將呈現拋物線式上漲的前 5 種代幣

If the 2024 bull market mirrors that of 2017, Bitcoin's future is bright, potentially reaching over $1 million. While the broader crypto market will benefit from this price explosion, there are five cryptocurrencies predicted to dominate this bull cycle:

如果 2024 年的多頭市場與 2017 年的情況相同,那麼比特幣的未來是光明的,有可能達到 100 萬美元以上。雖然更廣泛的加密貨幣市場將受益於這次價格爆炸,但預計有五種加密貨幣將主導本次牛市週期:

  1. KangaMoon (KANG)

KangaMoon (KANG) is gaining traction for creating a dynamic ecosystem with a utility token in the meme coin market. Its Social-Fi concept fosters community growth, rewarding members for social participation with free KANG tokens.

KangaMoon (KANG)KangaMoon (KANG) 因在 meme 幣市場上使用實用代幣創建動態生態系統而受到關注。其 Social-Fi 概念促進社區發展,並以免費的 KANG 代幣獎勵參與社交的會員。

KangaMoon has a thriving community with up to 250 million tokens available as rewards. It incorporates a Play-to-Earn game into its ecosystem, setting it apart from other meme coins. KangaMoon's successful crypto ICO raised $6,917,519.179 and attracted over 32,000 users.

KangaMoon 擁有一個蓬勃發展的社區,提供多達 2.5 億代幣作為獎勵。它將 Play-to-Earn 遊戲納入其生態系統,使其與其他模因幣區分開來。 KangaMoon 成功的加密貨幣 ICO 籌集了 6,917,519.179 美元,吸引了超過 32,000 名用戶。

Listed on CoinMarketCap and Coingecko, KANG is supported by BitMart. Its price has increased by 400% ahead of the BitMart listing, reaching $0.025. With Bitcoin leading the way, KANG is expected to rally significantly, potentially reaching 50x its current value.

KANG在CoinMarketCap和Coingecko上市,並獲得BitMart的支持。在 BitMart 上市之前,其價格已上漲 400%,達到 0.025 美元。在比特幣的引領下,KANG 預計將大幅上漲,可能達到當前價值的 50 倍。

  1. Stacks (STX)

Stacks (STX) is closely connected to Bitcoin, making it a potential beneficiary of a BTC breakout. The demand for DeFi on the Bitcoin network has increased, benefiting platforms like Stacks, which provides layer two for DeFi.

Stacks (STX)Stacks (STX) 與比特幣密切相關,使其成為 BTC 突破的潛在受益者。比特幣網路上對 DeFi 的需求不斷增加,這讓 Stacks 等為 DeFi 提供第二層的平台受益。

STX has been bullish over the past year, gaining over 200%. As DeFi demand rises and the crypto market's bullish trend continues, STX is expected to rise by well over 10x, potentially reaching a new all-time high of over $20.

STX過去一年一直看漲,漲幅超過200%。隨著 DeFi 需求的上升和加密貨幣市場看漲趨勢的持續,STX 預計將上漲超過 10 倍,有可能達到 20 美元以上的歷史新高。

  1. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum (ETH) is among the top altcoins to buy in 2024. Trader Immortal predicts an ETH season fueled by disbelief, similar to previous market cycles. The potential launch of spot ETFs for Ethereum this year could drive its price above $4,000 by June. By the end of 2024, ETH could reach highs of over $10,000.

以太坊 (ETH) 以太坊 (ETH) 是 2024 年最值得購買的山寨幣之一。今年可能推出的以太坊現貨 ETF 可能會在 6 月推動其價格突破 4,000 美元。到 2024 年底,ETH 可能會達到 10,000 美元以上的高點。

  1. Solana (SOL)

Solana (SOL), an Ethereum competitor, is also ranked among the best altcoins to buy in this bull cycle. Year-over-year, SOL has surged by more than 800%, outperforming Bitcoin, Stacks, and Ethereum.

Solana (SOL)Solana (SOL) 是以太坊的競爭對手,也被列為本次牛市週期中最值得購買的山寨幣之一。 SOL 年成長超過 800%,表現優於比特幣、Stacks 和以太坊。

Market experts believe Solana can repeat its meteoric price increase as the bull cycle progresses. Immortal predicts a new ATH of $360 later this year, potentially leading to a price above $500.

市場專家認為,隨著牛市週期的推進,Solana 可以重複其價格的快速上漲。 Immortal 預測今年稍後的新 ATH 為 360 美元,可能導致價格超過 500 美元。

  1. Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE), the OG of the meme coin market, is backed by analysts to outperform the market in 2024. Technical analysis suggests a potential golden cross, a bullish pattern that last occurred in 2021, leading to an over 8,000% increase in Dogecoin's price.

狗狗幣(DOGE) 狗狗幣(DOGE) 是meme 幣市場的OG,受到分析師的支持,預計將在2024 年跑贏市場。的看漲模式,導致超過8,000狗狗幣價格上漲百分比。

The Best Crypto Investment of 2024

2024 年最佳加密貨幣投資

While Stacks, Ethereum, Solana, and Dogecoin are rated as top crypto coins with potential for significant price increases, KangaMoon has the potential to rise higher and earlier than the rest. Its innovative concept and ecosystem position KANG as the frontrunner of this year's bull market, with analysts predicting a potential 50X increase.

雖然 Stacks、以太坊、Solana 和 Dogecoin 被評為頂級加密貨幣,具有大幅價格上漲的潛力,但 KangaMoon 有潛力比其他加密貨幣上漲得更高、更早。其創新理念和生態系統使 KANG 成為今年牛市的領跑者,分析師預測其潛在的 50 倍成長。

Closing Thoughts


As Bitcoin leads the way, KangaMoon, Solana, Ethereum, Stacks, and Dogecoin are the five hottest cryptocurrencies to invest in for the 2024 bull cycle. These projects offer significant utility, ensuring the long-term value of their tokens. With its unique concept, KANG is positioned as the top performer of this bull market.

隨著比特幣的領先,KangaMoon、Solana、Ethereum、Stacks 和 Dogecoin 成為 2024 年牛市週期中最熱門的五種加密貨幣投資。這些項目提供了重要的實用性,確保了其代幣的長期價值。憑藉其獨特的理念,KANG被定位為本次牛市的佼佼者。

Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today!

立即探索 KangaMoon (KANG) 預售的令人興奮的機會!

Website: https://Kangamoon.com/
Join Our Telegram Community: https://t.me/Kangamoonofficial

網址:https://Kangamoon.com/加入我們的 Telegram 社群:https://t.me/Kangamoonofficial

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是贊助新聞稿,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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