首页 > 资讯新闻 > 新Meme币CorgiAI在24小时内飙升超过90%——WienerAI接下来会爆炸吗?

New Meme Coin CorgiAI Surges Over 90% in 24 Hours – is WienerAI Next to Explode?


发布: 2024/05/23 19:05 阅读: 472

原文作者:CoinPedia News



New Meme Coin CorgiAI Surges Over 90% in 24 Hours – Is WienerAI Next to Explode?


CorgiAI Price Surges and Trading Volume Skyrockets


CorgiAI, a crossbreed AI meme coin, has witnessed a remarkable surge of over 90% in the past 24 hours. This surge has been accompanied by a 1,300% increase in trading volume, currently standing at $10.8 million.

CorgiAI 是一种混合型人工智能模因币,在过去 24 小时内飙升了 90% 以上。这一激增伴随着交易量的 1,300% 增长,目前达到 1,080 万美元。

CORGIAI's price currently sits at $0.00239, with a market capitalization of $742 million. The project has steadily gained traction since its launch in June 2023, peaking in March 2024. The recent resurgence of meme coins has propelled CorgiAI back into the spotlight.

CORGIAI 目前的股价为 0.00239 美元,市值为 7.42 亿美元。该项目自 2023 年 6 月推出以来,稳步获得关注,并于 2024 年 3 月达到顶峰。最近模因币的复苏让 CorgiAI 重新成为人们关注的焦点。

WienerAI Presale Surges – Next AI Meme Coin to Explode?

WienerAI 预售激增——下一个 AI Meme 币将爆炸?

While CorgiAI and MemeAI are already established in the market, WienerAI is still in its presale phase. The project has raised $2.6 million and is rapidly gaining momentum.

虽然 CorgiAI 和 MemeAI 已经在市场上立足,但 WienerAI 仍处于预售阶段。该项目已筹集 260 万美元,并正在迅速发展。

WienerAI boasts a loyal community of over 9K followers on X and many posts garnering over 10K views. Its unique proposition lies in its AI-powered trading bot, which scours the market for optimal trading opportunities.

WienerAI 在 X 上拥有超过 9,000 名粉丝的忠实社区,许多帖子的浏览量超过 10,000 次。其独特的主张在于其人工智能驱动的交易机器人,该机器人在市场上搜寻最佳交易机会。

Analysts Back WienerAI for Spectacular Gains

分析师支持 WienerAI 取得惊人收益

Analysts have been quick to endorse WienerAI's potential. The 99Bitcoins YouTube channel has labeled it a "crypto gem" and speculated on its 100x potential.

分析师很快就认可了 WienerAI 的潜力。 YouTube 99Bitcoins 频道将其称为“加密宝石”,并推测其 100 倍的潜力。

Utility and Staking


Both CorgiAI and WienerAI offer inherent utility. CorgiAI features a staking mechanism and plans to launch an NFT line, NFT gallery, and AI marketplace. WienerAI's $WIENERAI token can also be staked, currently offering a 370% APY.

CorgiAI 和 WienerAI 都具有固有的实用性。 CorgiAI 具有质押机制,并计划推出 NFT 线路、NFT 画廊和 AI 市场。 WienerAI 的 $WIENERAI 代币也可以进行质押,目前提供 370% 的年利率。



The intersection of meme coins and AI has proven to be a compelling narrative for investors. CorgiAI and WienerAI are two projects that have successfully tapped into this trend. As the presale for WienerAI continues, traders may want to consider its potential for explosive gains once it launches on exchanges.

事实证明,模因币和人工智能的交集对投资者来说是一个引人注目的故事。 CorgiAI 和 WienerAI 是两个成功利用这一趋势的项目。随着 WienerAI 预售的继续,交易者可能需要考虑其在交易所推出后爆炸性收益的潜力。


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